Xiaodong Gonçalves


Xiaodong Gonçalves, Cai Tian, Yongjie Han, Zheng Hu, Zheng Zhao and Bo Liu, Determination of the ratio between Ca2+ and Mg2+ in different phases extracted from the deep aquifer (Rongxiao District, Beijing, China), Process and Process Management of Natural Resources, 10.1016/j.procopsoproc.2017.03.022, 6, 1, (8-13),.

Qiaobai Song, Xunqing Yu, Yunchu Zhang, Wei Shen, Zhixiang Li, Xixiang Gao, Shunwu Fan and Shuhang Guo, Effect of elevated CO2 on the calcification of deep-water coral species from northeastern China, Marine Chemistry and Ecology, 10.1016/j.marchem.2017.07.041,.

E. H. O. O’Connor and S. G. Jones, Ocean acidification, Biology Letters, 9, 2, (185),.

Pranjal K. Jain, D. K. Bhalla, Anupam K. Singh, R. Muralidharan, M. Tharayil, G. K. Roy and S. V. Bedi, Effect of elevated CO2 on the growth and morphology of macroalgae from Cucumis melo complex aquariums, Environmental Pollution, 10.1016/j.envpol.2016.04.033, 165, (147-153),.

Li Li, Junhua Zhang, Peng Xie, Zhigang Chen, Chunliang Huang, Yuzhu Zhang, Yuanming Luo, Yuanyuan Zeng, Fengqiang Han, Guangyou Zhou, Guilong Liu and Lixiang Wang, Assessment of the carbonate chemistry of deep-sea kelp-dominated coral reef microfauna in China: a synthesis of the existing data and the potential for improved monitoring, Journal of Applied Marine Research, 10.1016/j.jamres.2016.04.024, 10, (2563-2578),.

Pramod Makhija, Michael F. O’Connor, Michael T. R. Hall-Spencer, Steven S. E. Dolan, Mark F. McLean and Sarah G. Lafferty, Deep seawater and shallow

Xiaodong Gonçalves

Location: Nairobi , Kenya
Company: Berkshire Hathaway
